
A novel by Dan Layman-Kennedy for NaNoWriMo 2005

04 November, 2005

Dramatis Personae

(Subject, of course, to revision.) -dlk

The household at Hartshorn:
Jenny Haniver, an Adept
Marcie Branleigh, her wife, likewise an Adept and Lord of Otherwood
Gregor, a familiar
Penrod, a butler
Freddy the Faun, a groundskeeper
Sagacious Fan, a gardener
Jim Flax, a Brownie
Amit Nandana, a Professor of Lore at Tower, on sabbatical

Other persons of Otherwood, Norton, and the environs:
Rayne, Marcie’s lover, a witch of Horn Coven
Alyson Shae, also a witch
Kara Lynn and
Wolf Berg, Alyson's lovers
Garron and
Nadia, magicians
Fra Myron, a librarian and monk in the Lucid Order of St. Masbeth
Calangeaef, a great autumnal Spirit

The Folk Under:
Argus Kermassy, Captain of the War-Band of Hesh
Anemone, his lieutenant
Vasyl the Bok and
Kindekin Weiss, members of his guard
Ranaman XVIII, a scholar-king of the line of Atlanteans

The Uranticas:
Rafe della Lorenzi, Jenny's brother
Teague mac Halig, their great-uncle
Septima, their aunt
Garm, their uncle
Omari, a Beast of the Babu
Finn MacTeague, a fiddler

Murdoch, a mage of great repute
The Ephesian, a Covenantus
Legion Commander Marzal, a Marquis of Hell
Lord Rushton of the Host, a faery knight
Lord Janos, a vampire prince
The MacCaladh, a werewolf king
Malachi, a fallen angel

The Council of the Kyr, lords and judges

Mistress Intarsia, of the Tessitori, a Power
Berengar Moran, who was Ian Barrett, likewise a Power
Bandog, his champion
Jack Chanticleer, a Master
The Comte de Saint-Germain, also a Power of mysterious aspect

Assorted and sundry Eldritch, demons, mages, qlippoth, Folk Under, undead, elves, dragons, werewolves, avatars, spirits, and curiosities of the unseen world


Blogger Unknown said...


5:00 PM, November 04, 2005  
Blogger Unknown said...


5:01 PM, November 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really should do me one of these for the Savant universe. There are far too many characters out there. Some thoughts, none of which are coherent:

1. Jenny got married!

2. Penrod... how... phallic.

3. Amit Nandana... my cousin's called Amit. He has fabulous thighs. Sorry, this has nothing to do with the character -- I just like to mention my cousin's thighs (they're! fabulous!) at every given opportunity to vex him.

3b. Nandana is usually a girl's first name, so when I saw the name skimming through the novel's text I thought it was a girl. As a surname the a at the end would be dropped (Amit Nandan) but it's really just nit-picking and is fine as it is.

3c. Actually, Amit Nandana sounds sooo much better, keep it that way.

4. Marcie gets Jenny and a lover. Alyson gets two lovers. You make it sound so easy :P

5. 'Saint' Masbeth? Isn't this the surly angel who was nursing a bottle and a ciggy last I saw him?

6. Beast of the Babu... sorry, this is just funny to me. Babu in India is usually a respectful suffix for a male, sort of like Sir or Master, but in South India it is also frequently used as a term of endearment for male children. My dad still calls me Babu sometimes, and imagining some beast as being that of a baby is, well, funny.

'tis, I say.

7. Woohoo, Berengar Moran!

8. If you are having avatars, make sure you have some of the hotties like Mohini. Just don't put her in charge of distributing things!

...sorry, stupid Hindu joke.

I go now, buhbye.


3:28 PM, November 12, 2005  
Blogger Dan L-K said...

I need to keep in mind that I have an expert in Indian naming conventions on hand. Though I probably would've kept it as-is anyway, just because it does sound great. One of the reasons I picked those two together out of the list I had to work from.

Easy? Well, they have all had a decade (or more) to work their various arrangements out. Plus they're a truckload of hotties. So it goes.

The Lucid Order has a very Alan Moore-like attitude, in that they picked an icon of worship they knew damn well they weren't going to confuse with the All-in-All. Plus they hold that by aknowledging the divinity in even a being as lost and broken as Masbeth, they see the hope for all of Creation. Their motto is "The Light also shines on those who choose to fall."

"Babu" is, apparently, also a name from Egyptian mythology for Osiris' firstborn. The Babu are a whole brood of monsters sired by the twins Kiera and Korwyn, Jenny's great-aunt and uncle. Their idea was to produce a more pureblooded Eldritch line through inbreeding. It worked, after a fashion.

And, oh yeah, Jenny's married. That's one of the sweetest scenes in 1KT, if I do say so myself. Now we get to see the Happily Ever After.

12:12 AM, November 14, 2005  

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